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MTA’s expanding area of expertise is power & energy. Building on Ethiopia’s development target to attain universal access to electricity by 2025, MTA has assisted both public and private institutions engaged in the energy sector by:

  • Providing comprehensive jurisdictional analysis and due diligence reports on the power and energy sector in Ethiopia.
  • Advising on all aspects of project development including - power generation, transmission and distribution compliance requirements, land and right of way contracts, financing, tax, employment and enforcement of judgments.
  • Advise on bankability of projects, social and environmental impact assessments requirements and community and corporate social responsibility obligations.
  • Reviewing tender and project documents including RFQs, RFPs, power purchase agreements, connection agreements, implementation and government support agreements, lease and lender direct agreements.
  • Reviewing public private partnerships and implementation agreements, government guarantee agreements, joint-development agreements, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts.
  • Reviewing project financing agreements including loan agreements, pledge and mortgage agreements, lender direct agreements, insurance policies.
  • Interfacing with key regulatory agencies for project development and execution such as the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFEC), the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE), the Ethiopian Energy Authority (EEA) and state owned public enterprises namely the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) and Ethiopian Electric Utility. (EEU)

Some of MTA’s representative matters in the power and energy sector include assisting:

  • Jointly with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), as a transaction advisor to the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) on the Scaling Solar Project that aims to generate up to 500MW Solar Energy power in Ethiopia.
  • Enel Green Power (ENEL) in its bid for the 100 MW Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generating Facility Project issued by the EEP.
  • A foreign investor, in connection with investing USD 2 Billion, in the power transmission and distribution sector on a public-private partnership modality with EEP and EEU.
  • The Ethiopian Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MOFEC) in relation to the development of a draft legislation on Public Private Partnership (PPP) focused on infrastructure development.
  • Chinese EX-IM Bank on a loan Agreement concluded with the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) in connection with the Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway Power Transmission Project.
  • American Bar Association in collaboration with Ansar Law Office, in connection with the advising on regulatory framework for renewable energy sources in Ethiopia.
  • Persistent Energy Capital (PEC), New York based investment firm that invests in businesses providing renewable energy to off-grid customers, in its interest to enter the Ethiopian market.
  • We Care Solar, a USA based non-profit, in connection with the provision of a medical clinics with solar power in Ethiopia.


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